
Are we heading back to square one?
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said this afternoon that he will veto the budget deal that the state Legislature approved about 2 a.m. today.
He called the budget compromise irresponsible and criticized it for not containing the reform measures he demanded. Among other things, he wants a rainy day fund. “I say enough is enough,” Schwarzenegger said. “California has been put through this roller coaster ride too many times.” To see a transcript of the governor’s news conference, click here.

But is he about to take the state for another ride? The budget deal is already 78 days late, forcing many organizations, such as the YWCA women’s shelter in Santa Rosa, to the brink of closing for a lack of funds. Is prolonging the fight worth it?

Besides, the Legislature appears to have the votes it needs to override a veto. If an override occurs, will the governor end up looking like a hero or a goat – or something in between?
Following the governor’s announcement, Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata noted, in a prepared statement, “Frankly, a veto simply puts the governor in the starring role in California’s financial disaster.”
I don’t think he meant that as a compliment.

– Paul Gullixson

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