
Taking the casino train

Here's a wild guess: Not everyone is going to agree with Glen Ellen resident Stave Klausner's plan to ask the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria to build and subsidize a rail station near the tribe's proposed Rohnert Park casino.In his Saturday Close to Home, Klausner claims the arrangement would mean [...]

By | April 13th, 2007|0 Comments

Unhealthy realities

On Tuesday the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors voted to revise the health care benefits of retirees -- and you can bet that the benefits didn't get any better. As tomorrow's lead editorial notes, county employees are right to be angry -- but the supervisors shouldn't be the target of [...]

By | April 12th, 2007|0 Comments

Is there a doctor in the house?

People tend to tune out when the news concerns government and bureaucracies and words such as reimbursement. Who wants to be bored by that stuff?But here's the deal: If the bureaucrats who manage the federal Medicare program don't pay Sonoma County physicians a fair price for their services, you may [...]

By | April 10th, 2007|0 Comments

A father mourns his son

In local politics, people know Herb Williams. When it comes to electing candidates and passing bond measures, no political consultant has directed so many successful campaigns.But prominence in politics or any other endeavor does not shield any of us from the misfortunes and heartbreaks that, sooner or later, come to [...]

By | April 9th, 2007|0 Comments

Are high school exit exams unfair?

Janyce Bodeson, who teaches English as a Second Language (ESL) students at Santa Rosa High School, says there should be no misunderstanding about which local students may not be allowed to graduate with their high school classes this spring. Among all Santa Rosa district seniors who failed the exit exam [...]

By | April 6th, 2007|0 Comments

Seeing red

In our third editorial on Friday, we look at the attack Wednesday on a 12-year-old Petaluma boy who refused to take off his red shirt after being ordered to do so by a 16-year-old reputed gang member. Because he refused, the child was whacked in the head with a skateboard.OK, [...]

By | April 5th, 2007|0 Comments

Running on empty

Non-runners might have missed the story in Wednesday's sports section. But Sonoma State University has decided to drop its women's track program 11 years after it was reinstated in 1996. The decision is ironic for several reasons.First, track has long been associated with academic excellence. The ancient Greeks understood that [...]

By | April 4th, 2007|0 Comments

Cars, drought and trees

On Monday morning the Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency has the power to, well, protect the environment. In a 5-4 ruling the court said that, yes, the EPA does have the power to regulate the carbon emissions that contribute to global warming, something that the Bush administration [...]

By | April 2nd, 2007|0 Comments